Tag: security cameras for home

Fight back Crime with Surveillance Security Cameras

Every day or every other day you hear stories on the news or internet about a security camera catching someone in the act of doing something.  Sometimes they are caught doing good, sometimes it’s animals doing funny things that make our day but most of the time if you hear about a security camera...

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The Real Deal with SSSCamera

Security Surveillance System (SSS) has been in business for a very long time and we’ve been very successful with what we do. The reason we’ve been successful is because we offer the real deal in security solutions for your home or business. SSS is staffed by trained, professional, technically...

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CCTV and SSSCamera

You know, the value of a closed circuit television (CCTV) package in your home or business cannot be overstated. That’s because it’s such an invaluable tool and service that helps provide you with maximum security, protection of your assets and peace of mind. Security Surveillance System...

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Audio and Intercom Integration

One of the popular misconceptions about our services is that we just install security camera’s and that’s about it. The truth is that we provide an extensive line of products offering not only security camera’s, but alarm systems, accessories, support, and seamless integration of...

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