Every day you see on the news and all over social media how surveillance cameras have caught someone in the act of doing something. From petty theft to felonies like assault and murder; in today’s world where cameras are becoming a more common site there really is no such thing as a perfect crime. They are used in banks to keep track of the money that comes in and goes out, they are used in convenience stores to keep an eye on the registers and inventory inside the store as well as to keep an eye on gas pumps to track vehicles in and around the station. This prevents drive off gas theft, or at least if it does happen it will ensure that the car that did it can be caught. These cameras have also been useful in tracking criminals and tracking the direction they travel by tracking the license plates. Cameras are on ATM’s, street lights, in grocery stores and more. The most common places are places that have high traffic and not enough people to monitor every person that comes and goes. In the event that you’re a victim of a crime in one way or another, theft, assault, or even an accident that you are not at fault and would like to find a way to prove it, cameras are highly used by law enforcement agencies to prove or disprove evidence. We see camera’s that have helped to capture images of faces at a crime scene, captured a crime in progress, and even capture crimes happening in the distance if the right cameras are used. We live in a society where there are a lot of not so honest people and the best way to protect yourself and to help law enforcement to catch these not so honest people and bring them to justice is to be sure that the evidence will be there to catch and prove that the guilty party pays the price. Pictures and video are the best evidence and are indisputable in most cases. It gives business owners great peace of mind knowing that if they are a victim of a crime there will be enough to recoup their losses. No in many cases cameras will not deter a criminal from committing a crime but it could give those of us, who are not here to hurt, steal or vandalize honest business owners, the comfort of knowing that if something does happen someone or something will capture the evidence to gain the justice that is deserved and hopefully get these criminals off the streets once and for all.
To find out how you too can protect your business, your customers and even your home from criminals please give us a call and we will gladly come to provide a free a security evaluation and suggest the best way to ensure you will have the evidence IF you are ever a victim. Contact us by phone, email or our convenient quick form on our website.