Why security cameras benefit home owners


Why do I need security cameras on my home?  or I don’t need security cameras at home I have a dog that will protect my home.  These are very common statements that we hear but now a days we hear more and more of criminals breaking into homes, stealing mail or packages off of porches and coming up on the holiday season we can’t tell you how many stories we have heard about people who have their entire family gifts stolen right out of their living room.  We don’t tell you this to scare you just to say that it is not just businesses that can be victim to theft or vandalism.  The career criminals that are out there know exactly how to get around dogs and can be in and out of your home in no time.  They bring treats for your dog, sometimes even laced with poison or sleeping aids to put the dog to sleep long enough for them to get what they came for.  We have taken the time to just personally research on youtube the number of videos of criminals caught on tape and as a result they are charged and taken off of the street so they cannot do this to anyone else.  Their very selfish motives can cause a person to feel extremely helpless when they come home to find that the holiday gifts they worked hard to be able to buy have vanished right before their eyes.  The police come and they make a report and then they say that if there are any leads they will let you know.  More often than not it is never the case.  The items are gone and there is nothing they can do¦  But wait¦ there is if you have cameras.  If these crooks are caught on camera then they can get the footage to the proper people to try to identify the people who have violated you in the most inconsiderate way.  Every day less people are getting away with this kind of crime because of systems like ours.  With our state of the art technology we can cover every nook and cranny and if the worst case scenario happens to you your cameras will provide the video evidence you need to find out who did this and to possibly recover the items you had taken from you. Having cameras on the outside of your home will prevent your very valuable packages coming from friends and family will also be secure and will get to you the way they were supposed to. If you want to be sure that your Holidays are happy, and that no one can take the things you worked hard to buy,  then give us a call or fill out our short contact form.  We do free security evaluations and can tell you exactly where your vulnerabilities lye and how to cover those areas so that if it does ever happen to you the evidence will not lie and criminals will not prevail!

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